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The Story of Samudra Manthan

The story of samudra (sea) manthan (churning) or sagar manthan has been described in different ancient Hindu religious texts. It is mainly elaborated in the Vishnu Puran (Puran means a compilation of mythological stories). Although there are some minor variations, the main story is nearly the same everywhere. As per mythology, samudra manthan happened in the Satya Yug.  Photo by NASA on Unsplash Have you ever heard the name of the sage Durvasa?  He was venerated by humans and gods alike because of his unfathomable knowledge and wisdom. But he was also well known for his extremely bad temper.  One day, Lord Indra (the King of the gods or devas) was going somewhere riding on his elephant. Suddenly, he met Rishi (sage) Durvasa on his way. Seeing Indra, Durvasa threw a divine garland towards him. Indra accepted the offering and placed the garland on the head of his elephant.  Image by  OpenClipart-Vectors  from  Pixabay Now, it may be due to the strong fragrance of the garland or maybe th