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The Story of the Ribhus

Once upon a time, there was a sage named Sudhanvan. He belonged to the House of Angiras and was well-versed in the Vedas. But his true interest was in learning the secrets of metalwork. Sudhanvan used to craft the finest and sharpest arrows in the world and knew how to imbue magical power into them. His arrows were so perfect that they always used to hit their targets. Even the gods used to covet the arrows made by him. Image by  Sebastian Nikiel  from  Pixabay   He had three sons: Ribhu, Vibhu, and Vaja. Everyone used to call them the Ribhus. Like their father, they were also gifted craftsmen. However, with their perseverance and creativity, they quickly surpassed Sudhanvan in metalwork. Sudhanvan recognized their capabilities and advised them to please God Tvastri through austerity so that they may become his pupils and learn divine craftsmanship. As told, his sons started severe austerity to please Tvashtri. At last, Tvastri appeared before them and accepted them as his pupils. Tvas